Gondola to Heaven

What would it be like to be on the Gondola to Heaven? We asked our AI friend to imagine what that may look like… watch the video and check the lyrics below to know what it might feel like! And remember, mange, mange!

Stream Gondola to Heaven here and purchase the full album here!


Buckle up, sit down, my name is Joe
Get on the gondola to heaven here we go
When we get there what the hell
We’ll eat a pound of mortadella
And dance the tarantella to and fro

My Uncle Louie - He’s a waiter back on Earth
He likes basketball, He also likes the Nerf
We’ll shoot a hoop or two as we jump in this canoe
Floating up the gondola to heaven

Ats sa my boy, my Uncle Louie tells me
Ats sa my boy, my Uncle Louie’s proud
Your just like your mother
You’ve got the nose of your father
Ats sa my boy, Ats sa my boy, Ats sa my boy
Mange, mange eat you antipasto
Mange, mange, eat your provolone
As we passed the Milky Way
Uncle Louie liked to say
Mange, mange, mange, mange, mange, mange


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